Publishers Association — Journal – London Bookbinding

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12 Rosebery Avenue
London EC1R 4TD
United Kingdom


London Bookbinding specialise in designing and creating bespoke books, custom portfolios, presentation boxes and specialty folders. By combining innovative design with detailed craftsmanship we succeed in making unique presentations and portfolios structures for discerning creative agencies, fine artists, architects, construction companies, designers and global brands across the world. Our work ranges from traditional structures to innovative and cutting edge solutions for pitch and proposals, tender submission and various presentation documents.


Filtering by Tag: Publishers Association

Blackbird Books...

Michaela MJCP

Blackbird Books are an independent publisher offering an eclectic mix of new fiction, pulp reprints, neglected classics, and non-fiction. From old favourites to modern originals, they have created a varied and dynamic catalogue for all kinds of readers. In fact, their books are as varied as the many species of blackbirds. 

Black Bird Books

So if you’re looking for a great read, fly with Blackbird!